;)love tka juga <33
1) What’s their name?
-atikah binti mohd ghazali.
2) Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend??
-oh tidak.kami mahu belajar bersama demi future yang terang :)
3)Do you get along with this person all the time?
4) How old is the person?
-110308 nnt die tujuhbelas.
5) Has he/she ever cooked for you?
-ubi kot.ke bibik die yg msk tu?hehe
6) Is this person older than you?
-"aku adikmu..dan engkau kakak.."-nad
7) Have you ever kissed this person?
9) Are you related to this person?
-we're sisters. ;)
10) Are you really close to him/her?
-sgtsgtsgt.cm da kene lekat ngn superglu.xle cabot da.kalo cabot nnt saket glegle.
11) Nickname?
13) How many times do you talk to this person in a week?
-jika berjumpa,non-stop :)
14) Do you think they will repost this?
-i'm reposting.
15) Could you live with this person?
-itu harapan kami.
16) Why is this person your number 1?
-dia jantungku,dia jiwaku,dia hatiku,dia nyawaku.
18) How long have you known this person??
-about 6 years.
19) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
-kami perempuan.WAJEB gi mall.
20) Have you ever had a sleepover with this person?
21) If you ever moved away would you miss this person?
-oh teramat.
23) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person?
-haha.baikjahat kami berasamaa.
24) Do you know everything about this person?
-yes kot.yela.yea.
25) Would you date this person’s siblings?
-sape je?haha ;p
26) Have you ever made something with this person?
-something like?
29) Have you gone skinny dipping with this person?
-nnt2 la.
31) Is your #1 on drugs?
-budak baik oke.
33) Have you ever worn this person’s clothes?
-top beliau.
34) Have you and your #1 person made up a hand shake?
-yea.merindui shake itu.
35) If it was “freaky friday” would you switch bodies with this person?
-kalo tka nk jd gemok cm i.
36) Have you ever heard this person sing?
-haha.no music,no tka.
38) Do you and this person have a saying?
-"oke bebet."
39) Do you know this persons myspace password?
-zaman dolu2.
41) Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 months?
44.) Have you and this person gone clubbing?
45) Do you know how to make this person feel happy?
-ntah.ye kot.
46) Do you and this person talk alot?
-kami BECOK.
47) Do you like this person?
-seluas galaksi<33
48) Has this person yelled at you?
-yelling is our way of communicating. xD
49) Have you and this person got into a fist fight?
-melampau latu.
50) Do you want to go out with this person??
51) Do you want to be friends with them forever?
-yes la.sampaibilabila.[i xkn jmp kwn ceni pny bes,xkn i nk carik laen kot?] "